Cheadle Hulme Chastiser
This item is a beautiful vintage bamboo headmasters’ school cane. The cane measures 70cm in length, the shaft of the cane at the handle end is adorned with a brass cap and the tip of the cane is finished off with a brass ferrule. This item shows itself off perfectly with its aged patina achieved through the year of use on the reluctance derrieres of recalcitrant school boys.
The cane is believed to have originally come from Hulme Hall College in Cheadle Hulme a boy’s Public School situated near Manchester in the United Kingdom. It was last use with vigour in the 1960’s
This exceptional headmasters’ cane will achieve the desired attainment in either the hand of the novice or the veteran dominant masters.
One wonders how many bottoms has this item punished in it's time and how many more boys or girls are yet to feel it's dark malevolence?
Only one available